Description: John F. Kennedy - Jacqueline Kennedy White House - Secret Service - CIA - NSA and other Historical DocumentsA collection of 7,379 pages of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis historical material, archived on CD-ROM This collection contains images of documents, text, photos, video and audio from the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, National Security Agency, National Archive and Records Administration, State Department, Assassination Records Review Board, Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library.The major sections in the collection are:JFK PERSONAL PAPERS USS PT-109 DOCUMENTSJFK CAMPAIGN PAPERSJFK PERSONAL SECRETARY MISCELLANEOUS FILESKENNEDY FAMILY GENEALOGYAUDIO RECORDINGSFBI FILES - OFFICIAL & CONFIDENTIAL FILES ASSORTED FBI AND ASSASSINATION RECORDS COLLECTED BY THE ASSASSINATION RECORDS REVIEW BOARDSECRET SERVICE FILESJFK FOREIGN RELATIONS PAPERSKENNEDY/KHRUSHCHEV CORRESPONDENCESNATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ASSASSINATION FILESASSASSINATION RECORDS REVIEW BOARD FINAL REPORTWARREN COMMISSION REPORTWARREN COMMISSION EXHIBITSHOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS REPORTFINAL NARA - ARRB FORENSIC REPORT ON THE FURTHER SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF THE JFK ASSASSINATION EVIDENCEThe collection includes:JFK PERSONAL PAPERS 250 pages of selected documents from the John F. Kennedy Personal Papers Collection. Papers include materials dating from Kennedy's childhood through November 1963. Highlights include a typed letter from John F. Kennedy's older brother Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., in which he congratulates JFK on receiving a medal. Joe Kennedy Jr. was killed in action shortly after writing this letter. Other letters to and from his father Joseph P. Kennedy, his younger brother Robert F Kennedy, and his mother Rose Kennedy. Papers include: Records and correspondences while in the Navy; notes taken while writing "Profiles in Courage", doodles drawn during National Security meetings; a written childhood appeal to Joseph Kennedy for an allowance raise. Copies of JFK schoolwork and a report card.USS PT-109 DOCUMENTSAfter Action Report of the Loss of the USS PT-109 on August 1-2, 1943. The 15 page action report of the famous loss of the USS PT-109, commanded by future President John F. Kennedy. The incident became the focus of a popular motion picture and media attention upon Kennedy's emergence as a national political leader.This file consists of an additional 113 pages of materials maintained by President John F. Kennedy's personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, concerning the history of PT-109, its sinking, and its crew. Of note are two photos of JFK on the PT-109, United States Navy reports of the sinking of PT-109. Also included in this folder are newspaper clippings and magazine articles about President Kennedy and the PT-109.JFK CAMPAIGN PAPERS1050 pages of campaign material including, memos, correspondences, Nixon debates transcripts, drafts of speeches, and policy papers, covering JFK's entering into public life and campaigns for the House, Senate, and mostly the presidency.JFK PERSONAL SECRETARY MISCELLANEOUS FILES97 pages from the White House Central Files for the administration of President John F. Kennedy. Files include correspondence between Kennedy and the family of an American solider killed in Vietnam in 1963. Documents cover mundane inquiries from the public, on issues such as the presidents attire and the recipe for his favorite dish, New England fish chowder.KENNEDY FAMILY GENEALOGY11 pages of genealogy material. The files contain records of the Kennedy/Fitzgerald family, including a genealogy chart, marriage records, Fitzgerald family bible, and other material. Also included are copies of the birth and death certificates for the Kennedy and Fitzgerald families.AUDIO RECORDINGSApproximately 1 hour 30 minutes of audio recordings of telephone calls, meetings and dictated notes. Recordings include; JFK dictating a letter to his father; a meeting with General Douglas MacArthur; phone calls to former Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, and Hoover concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dictates of notes concerning the anti-Diem coup in South Vietnam; Conversations between Air Force One and the White House Situation Room on the day of the assassination. Conversation between Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy and President Johnson, shortly after he took the oath of office aboard Air Force One. Several phone conversations between President Johnson and individuals including Nicholas Katzenbach, Bill Moyers, and Ramsey Clark, on topics including; Events surrounding President Kennedy's assassination; Kennedy's trip to Texas; President Kennedy's autopsy; Warren Commission; and the investigation by New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison of Clay Shaw.FBI FILES - OFFICIAL & CONFIDENTIAL FILES1020 pages of files copied from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. covering John F. Kennedy. These FBI documents were once kept in a file marked Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy in a safe in FBI directors J. Edgar Hoover's office. These were amongst a group of files marked "O&C" Official and Confidential. The Official and Confidential Files were kept in Mr. Hoover's private office to prevent unauthorized access to them. Following Mr. Hoover's death in 1972, these files were transferred to the office of Deputy Associate Director W. Mark Felt. Hoover's Official and Confidential Files were transferred to the National Archives from the FBI in 2006.Much of the information is directly related to John F. Kennedy. Coverage of the files include: Concerns for the safety of the Kennedy's and hostility expressed toward the Kennedy family. Allegations of personal misconduct by JFK. Preparation of the parade Lincoln Continental JFK was riding in when assassinated. Indications of the surveillance of Judith Campbell's apartment. Account of a 1962 general warning that Kennedy may not be safe in Texas. Reports on testing of wine given to Kennedy by Soviet Premier Khruschev. Files show the Bureau's concern whether or not JFK deserved to receive his Pulitzer Prize.ASSORTED FBI AND ASSASSINATION RECORDS COLLECTED BY THE ASSASSINATION RECORDS REVIEW BOARD160 pages of documents including: An FBI wiretap transcript of a phone conversation by New Orleans crime boss Carlos Marcello, in which Kennedy is mentioned. FBI interview with the Secret Service agent driving Kennedy in Dallas. Dallas Police Department notes on the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald. Autopsy information. An FBI report on the autopsy. An assortment of FBI memos documenting accusations of an annulled first marriage and extramarital affairs. A letter written by Warren Commission general counsel J. Lee Rankin critical of the single bullet theory. An exhausted account of the disposition of JFK's display coffin. Documents indicating Nixon administration disapproval of using the Apollo space program to commemorate Kennedy.SECRET SERVICE FILES254 pages of Secret Service files covering Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Files provide an overview of the protection provided to Jackie Kennedy Onassis and her children, John Kennedy Jr. and Caroline Kennedy from 1961 to 1974. Files chronicle Mrs. Kennedy Onassis' struggle to provide as normal a life as possible for her children.JFK FOREIGN RELATIONS PAPERS1,600 pages of documents mostly dating from 1961 to 1963, including State Department cables, CIA reports, National Security Council reports and memoranda, and similar documents from the White House staff and from other agencies concerning U.S. foreign relation issues such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin situation, Vietnam and relations with the Soviet Union.Highlights include:CUBAMaterials pertaining to the Cuban missile crisis, Cuba's economic situation, a meeting between President Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Memoranda from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) regarding a planned uprising of counterrevolutionary groups in Cuba, a memorandum from the President to editors and radio and television news directors, sent during the Cuban missile crisis, regarding sensitive national security information along with a request that they not be made public, correspondence between the President and Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev, and a memorandum to the President's personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln from Naval Aide to the President Tazewell T. Shepard titled, "Relocation of Dependents of Personnel Involved in the White House Emergency Plan," in anticipation of possible nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis. Also included in this file is the text for a pamphlet by a group named DADVER titled, "Experiences Adquired [sic] as a Result of the Communist Occupation of the Island of Cuba."SOVIET UNIONDocuments, telegrams and memoranda to and from President Kennedy and his Cabinet members and advisors regarding suggested strategies for dealing with subjects such as nuclear weapons, disarmament, Berlin, and other issues related to the Soviet Union.Materials in this file include a personality sketch of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), memoranda from Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Special Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy, drafts of a joint statement on disarmament and ideological conflicts issued by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Premier Khrushchev, a summary of President Eisenhower's meetings with Khrushchev, and a briefing book with background papers on Laos, the Congo, Cuba, Algeria, Berlin, nuclear weapons testing, and disarmament.Material concerning President Kennedy's meeting with Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna, Austria. Materials in this file includesuggested remarks, a report on possible cooperative projects between the United States and the Soviet Union, and briefing papers on Sino-Soviet relations, Soviet foreign policy, and the state of the Soviet economy. This file also contains position papers on Cuba, Berlin, Laos, Vietnam, disarmament, and nuclear weapons testing.Newspaper articles, background papers on nuclear science and possible cooperative space exploration projects, a summary of a telephone conversation between President Kennedy and French President General Charles de Gaulle, an itinerary for President Kennedy's trip to Vienna, Austria, and copies of a joint statement issued by the President and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev concerning nuclear weapons, disarmament, and Germany following discussions in Vienna. GERMANYMaterials include correspondence between President Kennedy and Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic) Konrad Adenauer; a memorandum on Berlin by Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee J. William Fulbright; and a statement by President Kennedy on Germany, Berlin, and the Soviet Union.Documents pertain to the situation in Berlin, German defense expenditures, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Of note is a memorandum from Canadian Ambassador to the Soviet Union Arnold Smith regarding his talk with Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev about Berlin and Germany, and a letter from Khrushchev to President Kennedy concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also included in this file is a memorandum of a conversation between United States Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and the Foreign Minister of Germany (Federal Republic) Gerhard Schroeder. VIETNAMMaterials include a report on an injured American soldier, press releases, news articles, a partial text of a Senate resolution regarding foreign aid to South Vietnam, correspondence between President Kennedy and Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam, and memoranda regarding strategies for removing American troops from Vietnam while,e preventing the spread of communism in the region.Includes a list of military forces available for use in Vietnam, a report from American officials summarizing an investigative visit to Vietnam, a summary of prominent political figures in Vietnam prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, and summaries of strategies for negotiations and military actions. This file also contains telegrams and memoranda regarding the Buddhist crisis, military operations in the region, the status of pending foreign aid appropriations legislation, negotiations with Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam, Vietnamese attitudes towards the American presence in Vietnam, and the 1963 South Vietnamese coup during which Diem was deposed and later executed.KENNEDY/KHRUSHCHEV CORRESPONDENCES220 pages of text from the Department of States' "Foreign Relations of the United States", Volume VI. Volume VI presents the complete correspondence between President Kennedy and Soviet Chairman Khrushchev. The efforts at arms control, the basic elements of national security policy, the October 1962 Cuban missile crisis, negotiations and plans arising from the threat of war over Berlin, and the threat of hostilities by Soviet-supported forces in Laos.The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity of the United States. The series documents the facts and events that contributed to the formulation of policies and includes evidence of supporting and alternative views to the policy positions ultimately adopted.The editors had complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State. The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of Presidents Kennedy and other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Presidential libraries include some of the most significant foreign affairs-related documentation from other federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ASSASSINATION FILES587 pages of NSA documents, memos and Communications Intelligence/COMINT reports. COMINT intelligence information was obtained for intelligence purposes from the intercept of foreign communications by other than the intended recipient. Coverage of files include intercepted chatter of Cuban and Soviet reactions to the assassination.ASSASSINATION RECORDS REVIEW BOARD FINAL REPORTThe September 1998, 205-page Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board. In 1992 Congress passed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act), mandating the gathering and opening of all records concerned with the death of the President. The major purpose of the Review Board was to re-examine for release the records that the agencies still regarded as too sensitive to open to the public. Congress established the Review Board as an independent agency. The Board consisted of five citizens, trained in history, archives, and the law, who were not government employees but who had the ability to order agencies to declassify government documents once the Board made the decision that a document should be declassified, only the President could overrule its decision.The Board reviewed and voted on over 27,000 previously redacted assassination records; Obtained agencies' consent to release an additional 33,000 assassination records; arranged for the first known authenticity study of the Zapruder Film; Opened previously redacted CIA records from the Directorate of Operations; Released 99% of the Hardway/Lopez Report documenting the CIA's records on Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico City before the assassination; Conducted a three-day audiotaped interview of former FBI Special Agent James P. Hosty, one of two agents who were responsible for the FBI's cases on Lee and Marina Oswald prior to the assassination; Acquired for public release two sets of original notes from Lee Harvey Oswald's interrogation; Sponsored ballistics and forensic testing of Warren Commission exhibits.WARREN COMMISSION REPORTThe text of the Warren Commission report. The final report of the, "Commission to investigate the assassination on November 22, 1963, of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States," better known as the Warren Commission.Text from the Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, including appendices and transcript briefs of 117 interviews with commission witnesses.WARREN COMMISSION EXHIBITS182 pages of photographs of Warren Commission exhibits. Including: the Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle owned by Lee Harvey Oswald; The shirt Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing when he was shot. The windshield removed from the Presidential limousine that carried President John F. Kennedy during the assassination. Bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital (single bullet/magic bullet).HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS REPORT418 pages of text from the House Select Committee on Assassinations report, a copy of Review Requested by the Department Of Justice of the Acoustical Reports Published by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and the 1988 Department of Justice conclusions about the HSCA findings.House Select Committee on Assassinations - JFK Assassination Findings. Extractions from the Committee's final reporting dealing with their conclusions about the Kennedy Assassination. Along with references, footnotes, and citations.The House Select Committee on Assassinations was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Junior. The Committee released a report on the assassination of Kennedy in January 1979.FINAL NARA - ARRB FORENSIC REPORT ON THE FURTHER SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF THE JFK ASSASSINATION EVIDENCE25 pages of files from the National Archives and Records Administration covering the 1998 re-examination of some of the assassination forensic evidence held by the agency. Background material and the final report entitled, "Further Scientific Examination of the JFK Assassination Evidence." This report, dated December 14,1999, is the final product of the scientific panel charged with further scientific examination of the physical evidence from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Department of Justice had asked the Assassination Records Review Board to arrange for further examination of the copper and lead bullet fragment and four smaller pieces of organic material that were part of the physical evidence of the assassination. CD-ROM works with Windows and MAC A 14-year John F Kennedy writes to his father Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. about football, trying out for the school's basketball team, and his grades. Statement of Senator John F. Kennedy Announcing Candidacy for President of the United States January 2, 1960FBI Memo concerning West Virginia Election Law Matters and Senator Kennedy's 1960 CampaignTelegram from Harpo Marx to JFK Congratulating him on his winning the Democratic NominationMemo sent from American Embassy in Moscow on meeting with Soviet Nikita Khrushchev ahead of the Khrushchev-Kennedy Vienna conferences. Mentions Khrushchev's claim that he did not want to do anything before the election that might swing race to Nixon, and his dislike of Nixon.Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo communicating to the White House the events of the anti-Diem coup in Vietnam as the coup was taking place. Page 1Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo communicating to the White House the events of the anti-Diem coup in Vietnam as the coup was taking place. Page 2 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo communicating to the White House the events of the anti-Diem coup in Vietnam as the coup was taking place. Page 3FBI memo dated March 20, 1962 concerning Judith E. CampbellJudith Exner (January 11, 1934 – September 24, 1999), also known as Judith Campbell Exner, and Judith Campbell, claimed to be the mistress of U.S. president John F. Kennedy and Mafia leaders Sam Giancana and John Roselli.Warren Commission Exhibit FBI Photo of Oswald Mannlicher-Carcano riflePhotograph (CE-139) of the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle found in the Texas State Book Depository Building and traced to Oswald. National Security Agency (NSA) memo on a signal intelligence monitoring of chatter in Cuba concerning Cuban Navy alertness levels following the assassination of President KennedyFirst page of FBI interview with Secret Service Agent William Robert Greer who was drove President Kennedy's limousine on the day of the assassination
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Format: CD-ROM (Non-Audio)
Subject: Biography & Autobiography
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Language: English
Book Title: John F. Kennedy - Jacqueline White House Files
Author: BACM Research